Freeware XP

BYT - For drawing conversion

Download the XP here!!

The first version of this module was written in half an hour for Alf Gruvö when he was stuck with 1500 drawings to convert.

Converting drawings
The XP is intended for drawing conversions and therefor lacks a lot of the support you would normally expect. Undo will never work on any of the commands. No drawing operations will be performed. You will have to use redraw yourself.


  • FS2FS - Change Fill Style to Fill Style
  • C2LW - Change line width for all entities with a certain color
  • LS2LW - Change line width for all entities with a certain line style
  • L2LW - Change line width for all entities on a layer
  • C2LS - Change line style for all entities with a certain color
  • FS2L - Change layer for all entities with a certain fill style
  • MPOLY2L - Move all multipolys to one layer
  • ADDLAYER - Add a new (empty) layer
  • FIXLAYER - Rearange all layernumbers.

Except for the last two commands they all change properties of all objects in the drawing database. The last command will rearange all the layers in the drawing. Don't use this unless you have problems with your layer structure.

Always backup your drawing BEFORE using any of the commands above

Download and unzip the file correct file into your working FastCAD32 or EasyCAD32 folder (C:\Fcad32 or C:\Ecad32 on most systems). The file for FastCAD ends with "_fcw", while the file for EasyCAD ends with "_ecw". The commands will then automatically be available for use the next time you start your CAD-program. To see a list of available commands, type XPCFG at the command prompt, or select [Specs > Installed XPs...] from the Main menu.

This software requires a legal copy of FastCAD or EasyCAD.

This software is provided "as is" without any warranties or conditions whatsoever.

This software is released as freeware and is free to use by anyone.

This page is created by Peter Olsson February 1999.